«HSE Mascot» Contest

The Higher School of Economics announces the contest for the design of an HSE mascot.  

What is a mascot?

HSE Mascot can be an image of a human, an animal, or any other object, symbolizing good luck, or other values ​​that are important to the HSE Family. Mascots are used in Western universities as talismans, which bring together the spirit of students and staff of the School.

To participate in the contest:

  • draw an image of a mascot (draw it on paper or use computer graphics)
  • describe your image (why you chose it, what value it represents)
  • create a motto
  • it can be individual or group work
  • top 5 projects will be chosen till October, 14. Then the authors will present their projects within a week to the HSE students
  • the winner will be selected by secret vote of HSE students
  • Deadline: October, 14, 6:00 p.m.
  • Bring your drafts to room #206 (use any of data medium: envelope, flash card, etc.)

The winner will receive a prize and will forever remain in the history as the author of the HSE mascot. After a professional upgrade of the chosen mascot, it will be presented at the KAZGUU Matriculation 2016.

For more information, please contact:

Cell phone: 8 702 913 03 76 Botagoz Zhanbekova

E-mail: b_zhanbekova@kazguu.kz , zhanbekova.b@gmail.com